Fachhochschule Sihlhof, Zurich, 1999, Competition 1st Prize

Double Yard and School

In order to integrate the building in its heterogeneous surroundings in urban planning terms it has a calm front to Europa-Allee, while on the courtyard side it steps in two-storey blocks. The building reflects approximately the volume permitted by the building regulations and as a result can incorporate the sizable spatial program.

The two universities have a jointly used lightwell, which moves back and forth between single space and coherent courtyard figure. It creates visual and acoustic relationships and produces a strong identity.

The building envelope consists of large windows and prefabricated, three-dimensional artificial stone elements, which are fitted together tectonically so that they create a blocky corporality. The beige-yellowish colour of the polished Jura limestone relates to the dominant shades in the built surroundings.

see completed project


Lagerstrasse 5, 8004 Zurich




Competition 1999, 1st Prize


Andreas Derrer, Lorenzo Giuliani, Christian Hönger